Created by Ananda Vdovic and Vera Atlantia
The Painting is 2 m x 1,8 m in size and created from precious gemstone powder and gold powder on Acrylic sheet and fixed to a lightbox in the back: so it can be illuminated from the front or from the back. It can also be seen with a light-show projected on it, which gives it many different fascinating appearances.
The Painting is currently for sale.
The Gemstone Painting with Front Light
The painting was created by a German artist, Ananda Vdovic, and an Austrian artist, Vera Atlantia, in Croatia.
The first idea for the painting “Lakshmi on the Lotus Throne” came to Ananda on January 2015. She had the whole plan in her mind: the exact size of the painting – 2m x 1,80m –the material – gemstone powder & gold powder – and the subject and design: Lakshmi on the lotus-throne.
Lakshmi is the Goddess of Fortune, Beauty, Wealth and Abundance. She bestows 8 kinds of wealth: spiritual wealth, material wealth, knowledge, skills & talents, abundance of food, good children, courage, good fortune, victory and success in life.
Lakshmi on the Lotus Throne
In February 2018 Ananda made the design. She invited Vera Atlantia into the project and in March they started to work on the painting.
This is not only the biggest gemstone-painting, but also the only one which is transparent.
During the work the painters often got new ideas and added some features to the original design, i.e. the gold-fish and the Gandharvas (musicians) on the clouds.
Now the Goddess is surrounded by the 4 Gods: Brahma, Vishnu, Ganesha, and Shiva. On the clouds are 8 heavenly musicians, Gandharvas, celebrating her with music. Then there are the animals: 2 elephants, Lakshmis owl Ulupi, on which she rides, 2 peacocks, Vishnus eagle Garuda, Brahmas swan and 3 more swans… And in the water 5 gold-fish, symbolizing wealth! And of course many lotuses, also symbols for Lakshmi, flowers and blooming trees… and mountains with a golden temple… and the lake, rivers and waterfalls… On the border of the Goddess' skirt is written the Mantra “OM Sri Mahalakshmiyai namaha.” From her hands she is showering real coins – and they drop into the golden bowls and all around… granting Abundance…
The painting was finished after around 1 year- end of 2018. After it was finished, a lightbox was built, into which it got fixed, with LED lamps in the back. The painting itself has a weight of around 200 kg, with the lightbox it is 300 kg!
Now the painting can be seen in many different ways:
- Either lit up from the front
- Or lit up from behind – with different strength of light or effects
- Or with a light-show projected on it! This gives it innumerable different fascinating appearances…
Lit up from the front
Lit up from the back
Different light-shows were created for projection: colorful light-rays, fireworks, glitter, stars and moving galaxies… – the possibilities are infinite. In the evening, if this is the only source of light in the room, it is particularly impressive.
One can play some music or Laksmi-Mantras, project the lights-shows and has a multi-media experience of Goddess Lakshmi.
During an unveiling event in January 2019, the painting was shown to the public for the first time. We had veiled the painting. Then we turned off the lights, asked the audience to close the eyes, unveiled the painting, started the light-show projection and asked them to open the eyes. A many -voiced groan of amazement and awe went through the crowd! This was a rewarding moment for us artists!
According to Vastu (the Indian Feng Shui), the painting should stand on a North or East wall for the effect of attracting good Fortune, Prosperity and Abundance.
The painting is fixed in the wooden lightbox, but does not yet have a frame. We feel it is better, the buyers get a frame done according to their taste and the environment of the painting.
Interview with Ananda Vdovic & Vera Atlantia
Ananda: "Many people have been involved in this project. I want to express special thanks to my teachers Sunish and Sudha Maru in Jaipur, who were not only very good and experienced artists, but also very helpful friends. And I want to thank my dear friend and co-creator Vera Atlantia, without whose skill and patience this project would not have been realized. We were a harmonious team and had great joy in creating this painting! We hope, it will bring much joy, good fortune and abundance to the owners and all who see it."